Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Bon Voyage

Here I sit in a city that millions of people want to visit and nobody speaks my language. Paris? No, I’m still in Miami, but before I depart I just wanted to discuss my expectations and define the purpose of my journey a little.

Right now I’m really conflicted about France. We’re supposed to hate them right? And I keep hearing the French are rude and hate Americans. That’s not really the setting for the ideal vacation. Well, the conflict lies in the fact that every American I’ve talked to who has actually been to Paris raved about it and said I’m going to love it. So Freedom Fries be damned I’m going to Paris - armed with curiousity and 8 hours of "Conversational French" - in search of some truth.

Everyday I hope to experience at least of few of the following:
1) Walk in the steps of History
2) See fantastic architecture
3) Have real interaction with Parisians
4) Taste genuine French Cuisine to see why the world’s chefs worship at the French Stove Top
5) Use my bad French and have someone understand it.
6) Meet Hot French Chicks, of course - I’m skeptical they exist (Bridgette Bardot notwithstanding) but I’m willing to explore in the name of research.

At the end of these 5 days, if I am able to check off 2 or 3 of these things per day, I feel my trip will have been a success. Then I’ll feel as though I know Paris as opposed to just having seen Paris and I can draw my own conclusions about France and the rude-ass French.

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